Wellness & Fitness


Nutrition equals wellness. It’s not just luck-of-the-draw. The majority of your long-term health outcome allows for your input and involvement, you just have to start being accountable to yourself now. Don’t forget that our current health care system is based on putting out fires – not preventing them, as is the training of most of our health care practitioners. Until our society shifts from focusing on sickness to prioritizing health, you must take control of your own health and make informed decisions. Incorporate the prevention advice from health care experts like Dr. Mercola, Dr. Oz, Dr. Weil, and Dr. T. Colin Campbell. Be accountable. Be knowledgeable. Be in charge.

Knowledge truly is a powerful tool. Go read books by some of today’s leading prevention experts so you are prepared and educated. Many cultures around the world live far longer than others and it all relates to food and nutrition. Books like Blue Zones, Anticancer, and The China Study will potentially change and save your life if you incorporate their research and teachings! Take a nice long walk to your local library.

Question Mark
  • The World Health Organization ranked the United States as the 37th “healthiest” country in the world at its last run of the list in 2000
  • You can ask the dentist for a thyroid shield during x-rays and BPA free sealant for your teeth
  • Omega 3 fatty acids helps clean arteries
  • Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (with the “mother”) is a naturally occurring antibiotic
  • When the pancreas releases too much insulin it is overworked
  • Yoga is good for not only flexibility, but circulation and pain relief
  • Pilates is good for certain injury recoveries and athletic performance


These are our heroes and THE GURUS of all GURUS ... you must get to know who they are and what they are all about! Green Parent Association has not been endorsed by any of these highly acclaimed health experts. We have included them on our page so YOU can rely on them as much as we do. We hope they don't mind us trying to send you to their site!